Jignesh Barsara is one of the finest entrepreneurs. He has taught so many life-lessons to the already established and budding entrepreneurs.
In this article, we will learn 4 things that you can learn from none other than our true leader and how can we apply them to the workplace.
Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face
If you wish to be in the market for the long run, you need to start adapting to the environment. It might sound mad that you can’t expect similar results when you’re doing the same things and expecting the results to be different. As an entrepreneur, you always need to absorb fresh strategies. What has worked before might not work right now. Therefore, you need to constantly look for innovation in different sectors such as sales, marketing, and other services.
Be clear on who you're fighting and why
Most of the entrepreneur start a business with one objective of having a steady income to be generated every month. But, little do they realise that as the company grows further, they have to figure out between the two choices: whether they wish to make an impact or do they want to make money.
These two choices will determine the next chase, it can be either the next payday or how they wish to be remembered. Always stay clear on what and why are you fighting for.
Keep striving
Entrepreneurs take the risk. All of them plan and tend to execute their strategies, but not half of them have a backup plan in order to what if things went for a toss? Been said, yes you should go all in, take that risk but not at the cost of being in debt. When things seem to be going not according to the plan, that’s the only moment you take a back seat and stay in your comfort zone. The primary rule of being a successful entrepreneur is ‘Quitting is not an option!’
Get comfortable being uncomfortable
Did you know? More than half of the entrepreneurs fail the very moment when they tend to get slightly bit comfortable. Instead of creating, they begin to react to situations that need no response. The exact moment you decide to face your fear is the moment you become stronger and learn from your mistakes.
That’s the key to success and always be winning in
life. That’s the true testament of any entrepreneur whether they are calm
amidst the chaos or choose the contrary.
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